EQR RM23-9 NOPR Call
November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023
I will be holding a Zoom call at 1:00 p.m. EST on Monday, November 20, 2023, to address what FERC’s NOPR proposes and to discuss concerns about the proposal. I will go over all the changes that have been proposed by FERC. I will let you know which changes I find problematic, and we can talk about those concerns and the concerns of the folks on the call. I’ll start the session with a PowerPoint presentation going over the NOPR details (including potential problems and timing) and then we can have a dialogue about questions and concerns of everyone participating. I suspect that the call will take about two hours, but I will stay on the call as long as participants have questions or comments. I plan on filing detailed comments at FERC and will try to incorporate the concerns of callers into my comments.
The cost of the call will be $195 for the first participant from a utility; additional callers from the same utility will be $95 each. You can register below. I will send all registrants a copy of my slides and the dial-in info the day before the call.