Energy Compliance Consulting
Electric Quarterly Reports Training Conference
September 30, 2010 in Windsor Locks, CT

Energy Compliance Consulting will be holding a FERC Electric Quarterly Report training conference, with a special emphasis on ISO-New England issues, on September 30, 2010. The training will take place near the ISO-NE, at the Doubletree Hotel Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, CT. Barbara Bourque, the leading expert on EQRs, will lead the sessions. Barbara developed and implemented the EQR software at FERC and managed the Commission’s EQR program for several years before joining the private sector. She has trained over 150 EQR filers at dozens of companies. On-line registration is now open for the conference. For those preferring to register by mail, a printed registration form is available.

The program will cover all aspects of correctly completing and filing EQRs. While there will be a special emphasis on ISO New England issues, the training will be comprehensive, and will address bilateral and transmission contracts in addition to sales into the ISO. The training is suitable for all EQR filers, not just those making sales in ISO New England. It will begin with a discussion of the history and reasons for the EQR, and work through the entire EQR preparation, review and submission process, including manual data entry and importing data, dealing with error messages, and ensuring that filings are complete and correct. It will address not only the mechanics, but also include a full discussion of how to ensure that your company’s data complies with all of FERC’s requirements. In addition, Barb will share trouble-shooting tips and filing and review strategies. Participants can submit questions prior to the conference or ask them during the session as time permits. A comprehensive filing manual will be given to all attendees. The filing manual compiles orders issued by the Commission and staff guidance given since the issuance of FERC Order No. 2001, and includes over 100 pages of instructions for completing EQRs accurately. A detailed agenda for the training conference is attached. More information about Energy Compliance Consulting and Barbara Bourque, can be found at


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