Energy Compliance Consulting announces its
Electric Quarterly Reports Training Conference
November 15-16, 2011 in Phoenix, AZ
Electric Quarterly Reports Training Conference
November 15-16, 2011 in Phoenix, AZ
Energy Compliance Consulting will hold a FERC Electric Quarterly Report training conference November 15-16, 2011, at the Doubletree Suites in Phoenix, AZ. Barbara Bourque, the leading expert on EQRs, will lead the sessions. Barbara developed and implemented the EQR software at FERC and managed the EQR program there for several years before joining the private sector. She has trained more than 350 EQR filers from over 250 companies.
The program will cover all aspects of correctly completing and filing EQRs and will address the changes recently proposed by FERC. A comprehensive filing manual will be given to all training attendees. If a final rule is issued in RM10-12 prior to the conference, the manual will include guidance on new data fields. While the training is ideal for relatively new filers, even those more seasoned may be surprised by the amount they learn. A detailed agenda is attached.
There will be an optional session on Tuesday morning for those who are very new to the EQR and to FERC. This class will provide an overview of the FERC including information about its offices and functions; FERC’s website, including an introduction to eLibrary; and an overview of FERC tariffs, rate schedules, and service agreements, including eTariff. A detailed agenda for that session is available here. This background may help attendees who have little experience with FERC regulation get more out of the EQR training. The introductory session is an additional $100, and includes lunch.
The timing of this conference has been a challenge. Because of the content and software changes proposed by FERC in RM10-12 for the EQR (see details below), we have been reluctant to schedule a training session prior to the issuance of a final rule. However, we have gotten several requests for training, and regardless of the status of the proposed changes, EQR filers still need to fully understand the current requirements. This session will be a good opportunity to discuss the proposed data additions. We chose mid-November because October is an EQR filing month, and we have to work around month close for the accountants and the holidays for everyone.
The cost of the training class is $795, with an $80 discount for registration by October 25, 2011. For companies sending multiple employees, a 10% discount is given to additional employees from the same company. Companies considering sending multiple employees may inquire about having training given onsite at their location. Training can be customized to focus on relevant areas and issues can be raised confidentially. It may be more cost-effective if you have three or more employees attending.
Because there are flights to Phoenix from most US cities arriving by noon, the conference will start at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15th and end at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16th, which should allow most attendees to need only one overnight stay. The hotel is very close to the airport, and a free shuttle is provided for hotel guests. For more information on the accommodations, please see A conference rate of $129 per night has been set for a block of rooms. When making reservations, please call them at 602-225-0500 and ask for the EQR Conference Rate. The conference rate is available for those making reservations by October 25, 2011.
For those who are unfamiliar with the changes proposed by FERC for the EQR, here is some information with links to obtain more details:
- The proposed content changes include adding several new fields to the transaction data, including: trade date and time; rate type; index publishers to whom transaction information has been provided; exchanges and brokers used to consummate transactions; and e-Tag ID information used to schedule transactions. These proposed changes were detailed in a NOPR issued on 4/21/11 in RM10-12.
- The proposed format/process change is the requirement to file in an XML format rather than using the current FERC-provided EQR software. This change was announced by FERC July 13th at an EQR Users Group meeting. If you missed that meeting, you may want to look at the documents that were published in conjunction with the meeting to learn more about FERC’s proposal.
FERC anticipates a rollout of the required XML format for the first quarter 2012 EQR filing, due April 30, 2012. While FERC said it will provide a web application for utilities with very small EQR filings (you will need to type the info directly into the web page), most utilities will need to buy or build software to create their EQRs in the defined XML format, similar to what utilities are required to do now for their e-Tariff filings.
See complete agenda and schedule (PDF, 69KB)